About Us
PT. KAF Sekuritas Indonesia is a securities company based in Jakarta who obtained a Business License Number KEP-194/PM/1992 as a Stock Broker Dealer Firm from BAPEPAM (now merged into the OJK). KAF Investment Bank Bhd successfully took over PT. KAF Sekuritas Indonesia on January 30, 2024. PT. KAF Sekuritas Indonesia is a member of the Indonesia Stock Exchange with the company code is DU.
In the Deed of GMS decision No. 95 dated 27 November 2019 concerning Amendments to the Articles of Association and Change of Name made by Liestiany Wang, S.H., M.Kn., a notary based in South Jakarta, containing changes in the composition of the Board of Commissioners and a change in the name of PT. Varia Inti Sekuritas became PT. KAF Sekuritas Indonesia.
Based on the Deed of GMS Resolution No. 33 dated 27 February 2020 concerning Amendments to the Articles of Association made by Liestiany Wang, S.H., M.Kn, which contains changes in the composition of the Board of Directors.
Based on the Deed of GMS Resolution No. 8 dated 11 June 2020 concerning Amendments to the Articles of Association made by Liestiany Wang, S.H., M.Kn, a notary based in South Jakarta, which contained a change in the address of PT. KAF Sekuritas Indonesia from previously domiciled in Central Jakarta to domicile at the Treasury Tower SCBD 28th Floor lot 28, South Jakarta.
KAF Group of companies is a well-diversified Malaysian financial services group with interest in Money Market Activities, Investment Banking, Stock Broking, Islamic Banking, Research, Investment Fund Management, Fund Advisory and Trustee services.
The Group is further strengthened through its affiliations with established overseas financial groups. The Group's excellent reputation and proven track record resulting from prudent risk management practices and tight internal controls make us the ideal financial partner for those seek a high level of professionalism and expertise in requiring various financial products and services.
Good Corporate Governance
Learn more about KAF's governance here

Corporate Structure
Dato’ Saiful Bahri Bin Zainuddin
President Commissioner
With a degree from Western Michigan University, he boasts over 14 years in Malaysia's stockbroking industry, now as Executive Director of OSK Holdings Berhad, and formerly holding key positions at Affin Holdings Berhad and Affin Hwang Investment Bank.
Azleena Binti Abdul Rahman
Independent Commissioner
Holder of a Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering MEng from the University of Bath, UK (2000) and a Pasaran Kewangan Malaysia Certificate (PKMC), she wields 17 years of global markets expertise, handling diverse corporate accounts, and has held impactful roles at esteemed Malaysian banking groups.
Board of Commisioners
M. Hasoloan Napitupulu
President Director
He graduated with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from Indonesian Christian University and embarked on a career journey that led him from PT. Samsung Metrodata Electronics to roles of increasing responsibility in the capital market, ultimately becoming the President Director of PT. KAF Sekuritas Indonesia after several strategic transitions, showcasing his remarkable trajectory and expertise in the industry.
Holder of a Bachelor of Laws from Universitas Wiraswasta Indonesia (2005) and a Masters in Education from Universitas Negeri Jakarta (2016), she boasts over 19 years of capital market expertise, evolving from her early days at PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk (2000-2010) to key compliance roles at renowned firms, including PT Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia, culminating in her appointment as Director at PT KAF Sekuritas Indonesia in 2019.